Neck Dissection – Hands On Courses On Head & Neck Surgery 2020 (I)
Humanitas Research Hospital,
Via Alessandro Manzoni 56,
20089 Rozzano (MI)
Duration3 days
Hands On Courses On Head & Neck Surgery 2020 are very practical and centered upon the active participation of trainees during surgery. Maximum number of participants is set to 8 people to each course, distributed in two operating theaters. The courses also include theoretical lessons held by differents specialists involved in the care of H&N patients (radiologists, pathologists, endocrinologists, radiation therapists, oncologists, nuclear medicine specialists).
Giuseppe Spriano Responsabile di U.O. Otorinolaringoiatria,
Humanitas Research Hospital -
Giuseppe Mercante Capo Sezione Otorinolaringoiatria - Responsabile Percorso Chirurgico Tiroide e Paratiroidi,
Humanitas Research Hospital -
Armando De Virgilio Specialista in Otorinolaringoiatria,
Humanitas Research Hospital
Organization Secretariat:
Humanitas Congress Office
Telephone +39 0282242249
General Info
The courses are aimed to H&N surgeons, otolaryngologists, maxillofacial surgeons.
Maximum number of participants: 8
Participation fee includes:
• Active participation to surgery
• Didactic material
• Certificate of attendance
• Morning breakfast and coffee breaks
• CME certificate
The Humanitas Health Management reserves the right to examine the documentation issued by the learner in order to verify the possibility to participate at the event as “Surgical assistant” or as “Observer” only.
Enrollment And Participant Fees
Fee payment is requested upon enrollment at
Participation fee:
Single course € 1.000,00 (22% VAT included)
All the 4 courses € 3.000,00 (22% VAT included)
Continuing Medical Education
Each course will give CME credits. The amount of credits will be announced later.
Humanitas University Camplus is available for overnight stay at a discount price of € 80 per night (city tax and 22% VAT included).