
Grand Rounds Cancer Center – Prevenzione oncologica: stiamo combattendo dei mulini a vento? – Istituto Clinico Humanitas, 30/10/2019


Humanitas Congress Center,
Via Manzoni 113,
20089 Rozzano (MI)

1:00 pm - 2:30 am
  • Crediti Ecm
  • Duration
    1,5 h


Il relatore  sarà il Prof. Elio Riboli, Professore di Sanità Pubblica e Coordinatore del Corso di Perfezionamento in Clinical Epidemiology presso Humanitas University e Professore di Epidemiologia del Cancro, Scuola di Sanità Pubblica all’Imperial College di Londra.

Professor Riboli after graduating from Milan University Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, started his career at the National Institute of Cancer, Milan. In 1983, he moved to IARC-WHO where he engaged in what at the time was a novel area of research on the role of diet and nutrition in cancer aetiology. These research activities motivated him to lead the establishment of EPIC, the first very large population based prospective cohort with 521,000 participants and with a dedicated biobank designed as a resource for the investigation of lifestyle, metabolic and genetic factors in cancer aetiology. In 2006, he moved to Imperial College London where, in 2008, became the first Director of the newly established Imperial College School of Public Health. At Imperial College, he has continued his research in cancer epidemiology, extending his interests to the interactions between genetic predisposition and lifestyle and dysmetabolic factors, as well as to the association between these factors and life expectancy and premature death.  He is also on national and international committees addressing health policies in relation to cancer epidemiology/prevention and nutrition.

La partecipazione all’evento dà diritto all’acquisizione di 1 credito formativo ECM.

A moderare la discussione sarà il Prof. Armando Santoro, Direttore di Humanitas Cancer Center.



  • Prof. Elio Riboli Professore di Sanità Pubblica presso Humanitas University


Carmela Natale
Tel. 02/8224.2419
Fax 02/8224.2491


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1. Compilazione della scheda di adesione on-line (
2. Via fax al numero 02/8224.2491