C.L.U.E. Cardio-Lung Ultrasound and hemodynamics in critical care (Level 1 Workshop)
Humanitas University,
Via Rita Levi Montalcini 4,
20072 Pieve Emanuele (MI)
CLUE is a course that wants to give delegates bedside ultrasound skills to assess, monitor and treat patient during hemodynamic instability. While focused on the cardiovascular function (i.e. the heart) the course takes a 360-degree approach to the problem.
Clinical assessment as well as the importance of heart lung interactions are explained in detail. Practical ultrasound skills are taught in very interactive way over the two days. On top of this CLUE gives the participants the extra skill to learn and integrate advanced hemodynamic monitoring in between echocardiographic assessments. In this way a patient can be assessed, treated and monitored continuously during the different phases of his/her resuscitation and stabilization.
World experts in the field, a high degree of interaction with a 1 to 2 ratio between tutors and delegates for the hands on and simulation parts makes this one of the most practical courses on the topic in Europe.
Do not miss it!
Book Your Ticket
Maurizio Cecconi Director of Residency School of Anaesthesia & Vice President MEDTEC School,
Humanitas University & Head of Anaesthesia and ICU,
Humanitas Research Hospital
Segreteria Organizzativa Mario Luzzatto Simulation Center
02 8224 2249
E’ necessario il pagamento della quota d’iscrizione:
320,00 € (IVA incl.) per medici
160,00 € (IVA incl.) per specializzandi
La quota d’iscrizione da diritto alla frequenza delle sessioni teoriche e a quelle pratiche, catering, ECM ed attestato di frequenza a fine corso